The North American Open Men’s Doubles have long been among the most prominent squash tournament in the United States. Since 1931 the event has drawn the top-ranked players in the world and represent one of the only times that world class athletes participate in their sport in the town of Greenwich.
The tournaments support the NAO/GO Scholarship Fund in partnership with US Squash, which provides financial assistance to participants in urban squash programs as they elect to attend private secondary schools or college.
Patron Levels:
Diamond Patrons ($5,000)
Platinum benefits plus 4 additional guests to the party (6 total guests). $4,500 tax-deductible.
Platinum Patrons ($2,500)
Gold benefits plus preferred Pro-Am partner and tournament gift. $2,300 tax-deductible.
Gold Patrons ($1,250)
Silver benefits plus opportunity to play in Pro-Am and tournament gift. $1050 tax-deductible.
Silver Patrons ($500)
Listing in tournament publications, admission for 2 to all events, including a junior or doubles clinic. $350 tax-deductible.
For corporate sponsorship opportunities contact
2025 North American Open SUPPORTERS
Tom & Leslie Foley
Peter & Laura Grauer
Bob & Cassie Hopkins
John & Macy Macaskill
Brian & Giovanna Miller
Christian & Katia Oberbeck
David & Carlyle Upson
Rob & Libby Berner
Tony & Judy Evnin
Tim & Cosby George
Oivind & Darrell Lorentzen
Joy Ubina
John & Julie Burke
Marty & Nanny Cannon
Garrett & Paige Clarke
Mark & Megan Dowley
Diana & Joe Dowling
Scott & Icy Frantz
Spencer & Ren Harman
Mark & Diana Hayden
Brett & Susan Holey
William & Anne Kneisel
Andrew & Catherine Marcus
Keith Merrill
Ted & Marci Murphy
Jon & Constance Old
Brian & Jill Olson
WIlliam & Sarah Orum
Andrew & Kirsten Pitts
Talbott & Carter Simonds
William Simonton
T. Nicolas Steinbach
Rama & Toni Subramaniam
Herbert & Dee Winokur
Tim & Kim Yantz
Taran & Jennifer Bakker
David & Dar Barrett
Robby & Nora Berner
Sebastian & Melissa Boulan
Winston & Jennifer Bragg
Bobby & Joan Burns
Jim & Suzanne Cabot
Langdon & Lyn Cook
J.B. Cowperthwait
Grant & Nell Dewey
Charles & Sophie Dowling
Alice Duff
Park & Whitney Duncan
Frank & Nancy Fazzinga
Chris & Sarah Fey
William & Wendy Foulke
Clifton & Anne Gray
Taylor & Ginny Gray
Lawrence & Nicole Heath
Susan Hinrichs
John & Eileen Kim
Michael & Cary Keigher
John & Suzy Kjorlien
Luke & Molly Labella
William & Meg Mangan
Thomas Malcolm McAvity
Tommy & Octavia Melly
Scott & Augusta Merrill
Juan & Sara Munoz
Elliot & Andra Newman
Brendan O’Rourke
Anuj & Radhika Patel
Kendra & William Raine
Chris & Stapley Russell
Stephen & Catie Salyer
Peter & Mimi Santry
Edward & Britta Scott
Rob & Lisi Vincent
Jeff & Lisa Volling
Paul & Tara Vittone
Sally & Fred Wakeman
Andrew & Kelly Watts
Justus & Claire O’Brien
Leland & Adrienne Westerfield
Chris & Cindy Willis
Sam & Libby Welch
Cecilie Jedlicka
Greg & Carrie Martinez
Tyler Scheussler